013: Stories from The SHIFT Sessions®
ENROL IN The SHIFT Sessions®
Hear from 5 graduates from the last round of The SHIFT SessionsⓇ - it's one thing me telling you how powerful this work is... it's another hearing it from souls whose lives have transformed!
What was discussed in this episode
Morgan Gist MacDonald
- How she went from $10k - $50k months in her business following the shift sessions
- Working around four children and her mindset shifts
- What she wanted to shift when she first joined the Shift Sessions
Find Morgan
Helen Lauer
- Helens reality before joining the shift sessions;
- Dealing with multiple deaths of close family members over a short period of time and not giving herself time to grieve was how she stumbled across The Get Unstuck Sessions;
- How she let go of so much resentment in The Shift Sessions;
Find Helen
Sarah Trapkus
- How her life has improved dramatically for the better;
- How her life experiences are much more full and fun;
- How the shift sessions have given her the ability to change instead of resisting;
Find Sarah
Melinda Annaer
- How Melinda wanted to shift her visibility issues when starting The Shift Sessions;
- How The Shift Sessions made her realise she didn't want children;
- Having more ease and flow in her life
Find Melinda
Nicky Pennie
- How since joining the shift sessions her business has become an amazing success;
- How her mindset has had a ripple effect
- Joining The Shift Sessions for another round and what she wants to shift this time
Find Nicky
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