030: Stories from The SHIFT Sessions® Part Two

030: Stories from The SHIFT Sessions® Part Two





Hey Shift Seeker!



On this special BONUS episode of The Get UNstuck® Podcast, Laura is joined by two of the most recent grads from The SHIFT Sessions® who share their stories.

If you’re on the fence and SO want to join us for this round but have doubts, questions or feel like “That’s ok for them but not for me” you NEED to listen to this episode.

Listen in to the episode here >> Ep. 030: Stories from The SHIFT® Sessions Part Two

Tune in to discover:

  • Why we don’t always realise we’re stuck until we get the nudge from outside
  • How Cara overcame limiting stories around time and money to say yes to herself 
  • The unexpected benefits that come from showing up for The SHIFT Sessions® 
  • Why “anything is possible” is actually true when you have your subconscious on board (and not empty marketing speak)
  • The HUGE reason our grads come through The SHIFT Sessions® time and time again
  • Why just mindset and strategy work aren’t enough 
  • A super easy way to make decisions about investing in yourself
  • The amazing thing that happened when Freya “had a strop” (her words!) during the The SHIFT Sessions®

Enrolment for The SHIFT Sessions® closes TOMORROW (Monday 22 March 2021) and there’s a seat with your name on waiting for you to claim it. See you on the inside >>> 

For more inspiration to help you get unstuck and moving towards more of what you really desire,  find Laura here: