054: The Truth About Starting a New Year

054: The Truth About Starting a New Year



Each year as NYE gets closer, the pressure starts mounting. Have you got the right resolutions? Did you pick your word of the year? Only for February to roll around and you find yourself barely remembering what they were? This ep is for you!

Listen to the episode here >> Ep. 054: The Truth About… Starting A New Year

Tune in to hear:

  • Laura’s super strange “word of the year” story 
  • What you need to know about setting goals that your subconscious mind can get on board with
  • The truth about stretchy, scary goals
  • Laura’s Recalibrate and Rise process for staying on track with her goals and desires (without hustle, pushing or “figuring out”)

Want to join Laura LIVE for a Recalibrate and Rise workshop that is SOOOO much more effective than New Year’s Resolutions? Send her a DM and mention RECALIBRATE AND RISE to be the first to hear more.

The episode Laura mentions in the show is Ep. 024: PSA: Coaching Industry Prepare For Freefall and you can find it here


DM Laura on Instagram @totallylaura sharing your biggest takeaway and please share this episode with a friend - together we can make a difference to more people :)

Listen now and come & join us in the FREE community - The SHIFT Seekers®!